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Do I look fat in this dress?

I can’t pull this outfit off.

I’d look better if I lost a few more pounds.

You’ve probably had these thoughts in your head at some point in your life. It’s perfectly normal to experience periods of low body image. Magazine covers are airbrushed, photos on social media are photoshopped and filtered to death, and billions of dollars are poured into the beauty and cosmetic industries. No wonder women feel self-conscious about their bodies. 

While being self-conscious is one thing, it’s another thing to constantly dwell on what you’re lacking. That’s not healthy, and it won’t make you feel any better either. If you’re struggling into your favorite jeans or you grimace whenever you look in the mirror and see your love handles, here are 4 things you can do to improve your body confidence:

While being self-conscious is one thing, it’s another thing to constantly dwell on what you’re lacking. That’s not healthy, and it won’t make you feel any better either. If you’re struggling into your favorite jeans or you grimace whenever you look in the mirror and see your love handles, here are 4 things you can do to improve your body confidence:

1. Write affirmations to yourself.

Affirmations are a good way to install confidence and boost your confidence. You will have a sense of gratitude and it invites more positive thoughts in your mind. Grab a pen and paper and get to work! Treat yourself every now and then.

Whether it means a donut on the daily commute or that extra slice of cake, don’t be afraid to treat yourself! Try to strike a balance though. 

2. Treat yourself every now and then. 

Whether it means a donut on the daily commute or that extra slice of cake, don’t be afraid to treat yourself! Try to strike a balance though.Get used to seeing your flaws.


This is the best way to truly get to know your body. Instead of being ashamed of your supposed flaws, embrace them! They are what makes you uniquely you. 

3. Get used to seeing your flaws.

This is the best way to truly get to know your body. Instead of being ashamed of your supposed flaws, embrace them! They are what makes you uniquely you. 

4. Try any of our Body Contourz services!

We offer a range of services, from facelifts to breast reductions. Our pain-free, surgery-free methods are an added bonus! Get in touch with us for a consultation! 

We’ve had clients from different walks of life who need help feeling like their best selves. With our products, we like to enhance your natural features, rather than just changing them completely. Confidence is a state of mind – when you feel good on the inside, it will show on the outside.

We all come in different shapes and sizes. What makes Body Contourz different is that we take a different approach. When it comes to enhancing your appearance, we use the best technology to give you the results you’ll be proud of. Our unique approach to self-improvement has won over so many clients to this day.