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By now you’ve probably heard about our UltraSlimTreatment. UltraSlim is an amazing alternative to many weight loss procedures and products, however, how does it compare to other well-known weight loss options?


What Is UltraSlim?

Body Contourz’s UltraSlim Treatment is a weight loss treatment that helps patients shed up to 2 inches just from their first treatment. It uses a special ultraviolet red light that unlocks fat cells, triglycerides, and fatty acids making it easy for the body to flush them out of the system.

This treatment is painless and non-invasive meaning you can go about your normal routine immediately after you’re done with a session.


Ultraslim vs Liposuction

Liposuction is a popular invasive weight loss option, however, it is only targeted towards people who have stable body weight and would love to remove fat from specific areas of their bodies. The process permanently removes fat cells and in turn alters the shape of a person’s body.

Unfortunately, liposuction is very invasive and could include risks of infections, scarring, lumpiness in certain areas, and numbness. Results are dependent on how much fat is removed and there is rarely a guarantee that there will be no complications.


Ultraslim vs Lap Band Surgery

Lap band surgery or gastric band surgery is an invasive procedure that requires patients to go under full anesthesia and get admitted for a few days in the hospital. A thin adjustable ring is placed on the upper portion of the stomach to reduce its size creating a smaller pouch.

The healing process is longer and most patients need substantial time off from their daily routine.

However, like with any weight loss solution, implementing a healthy diet and regular exercise to your daily regimen will help you maintain the amazing results that Ultraslim is guaranteed to give you.

Ultraslim requires a series of treatments that are done from the comfort of our clinic and patients can be in and out in no time.

Ultraslim vs Fad Diets

Fad diets have been scientifically proven to be ineffective. Patients usually lose weight drastically, however, they gain the weight back if they make even slight changes to their diet. Some fad diets fail to work completely while others advocate for unhealthy eating habits that may lead to long-term eating disorders.

Fad diets unlike Ultraslim have a high failure rate and that makes them less desirable. At Body Contourz, apart from taking you through your treatments, we encourage our patients to develop eating habits that are sustainable and are beneficial to their overall health.

Finding what works can be difficult and most people try multiple things before they finally settle on what works for them. Ultraslim is a true and trusted weight loss option that guarantees changes from as early as your first session.

However, like with any weight loss solution, implementing a healthy diet and regular exercise to your daily regimen will help you maintain the amazing results that Ultraslim is guaranteed to give you.
